The actions taken by Wall Street Docs Ltd. (“WSD”) in this statement are intended to ensure that there is no slavery or human trafficking within the Company and our supply chains. These actions include understanding all potential modern slavery risks associated with the Company and its operating businesses.
WSD is aware of its obligation to combat slavery and human trafficking effectively. The Company is steadfastly committed to eliminating slavery and human trafficking from all of its operations and making sure that neither of those crimes are taking place in its supply chains.
This statement covers all activities of WSD relating to Financial Year 2023.
The Company is privately owned and delivers range of industry specific solutions designed to automate repetitive processes using a mix of tech, near shore support services and experienced professionals, predominantly within Finance and Technology sectors across the globe.
The Company’s supply chain is primarily based in the UK (with additional offices in Brazil, Germany, Hong Kong, and India). All of WSD’s workforce consists of direct workers, with no freelancers currently employed across the business. Due to the nature of our industry, we consider the risk of modern slavery in our supply chains to be negligible.
All agreements made with suppliers or contractors are required to have appropriate contractual provisions in place. These conditions obligate third parties to abide by the Modern Slavery Act of 2015. To prevent child labour, modern slavery, and human trafficking, we anticipate that all third parties will have the necessary policies, procedures, and compliance in place within their own organisations and supply chains.
WSD currently operates in the following countries:
The following process by which WSD assesses whether or not particular activities or countries are high risk in relation to slavery and/or human trafficking:
We recognise that by its very nature, modern slavery is hard to detect and is often hidden within seemingly legitimate industries, as such we perform risk analyses of our supply chain operations across the Company as part of our supply chain evaluation process, including those in foreign nations where there is thought to be a material risk of slavery or human trafficking. We continuously assess the results of our supply chain evaluation procedure to make sure that there is little chance of an incident occurring.
To ensure adherence to the established policies, we have undertaken supply chain assessment audits where we have identified a material risk. We shall monitor all the companies that are a part of our supply chain and undertake assessment audits where we suspect there may be a danger of slavery or human trafficking.
To ensure that our partners meet or exceed the criteria of our modern slavery and human trafficking policy, WSD employs a rigorous supply chain approach that includes compliance checks.
As a provider of financial services with clients in numerous countries, we are aware of the dangers posed by transactions that could be connected to human trafficking and modern slavery. Risks are assessed based on a number of variables, such as the type of consumer, location, industry, and product.
The following WSD policies outline how the organisation identifies modern slavery risks and takes actions to stop slavery and human trafficking in its operations:
The Company conducts due diligence before considering adding supply chain partners, and it frequently evaluates its existing relationships. Among WSD’s due diligence and reviews are the following:
WSD attempts to perform due diligence on each of its suppliers, but in cases where this is not possible, the Company will do so for those whose anticipated spending for the upcoming year exceeds £50,000.
This section contains a list of all the objectives and key performance indicators we have set in order to monitor our progress year over year and the success of our efforts to safeguard employees and those within our supply chain against exploitation.
Establish standardised procedures to guarantee that risks associated with modern slavery and ethical sourcing are evaluated at the tender stage of all contracts.
Modern slavery is considered as one of the requirements for every premium contract.
To maintain consistency of content and develop accessible policies for all WSD workers, we will update all relevant internal policies and procedures.
To eliminate the dangers of modern slavery in their businesses and supply chains, we will work with any suppliers who have been identified to us as medium- and high-risk.
Share useful resources, such as this Modern Slavery Act Statement, with the larger internal organisation to help employees minimise the risk of engaging in business with non-compliant suppliers.
WSD will continue to offer training and support to all staff, particularly those involved in procurement activities, or those who engage with external suppliers and contractors. WSD will continue to provide every employee with training on the on the Employee Code of Conduct annually.
The Company expects its suppliers to communicate the principles of the WSD Supplier Code of Conduct to their employees and third-party partners through training, policy, and other messaging.
This statement has been approved by the WSD Board as reflected by the CEO’s signature, below. This statement will be submitted for formal review and amendment on an annual basis.
Please see a signed version here
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