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Announcing the 2024 Hall of Fame Winner: Tom Layton

We are thrilled to announce that Tom Layton, Senior Vice President of Product Management within Raymond James Global Wealth Solutions, has been named the 2024 Hall of Fame winner. This prestigious award recognizes his significant contributions and exemplary performance in the banking industry, as acknowledged by a select group of peers and industry experts.

A Career of Distinction

During his 21-year tenure at Raymond James, Tom has overseen product management for a variety of investment solutions. He currently manages the firm’s structured investments platform, which includes market-linked notes and market-linked CDs, as well as OTC hedging solutions. His responsibilities extend to advisor education, sales and consulting, product research and origination, and platform experience.

Tom’s leadership and expertise have been instrumental in the success and innovation of Raymond James’ investment solutions. His dedication to advancing the industry and supporting advisors and clients alike is a testament to his outstanding career.

Educational and Professional Background

Tom is a proud graduate of the University of Florida, where he earned a B.S./B.A. in finance with honors. He further distinguished himself by earning the Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst (CAIA) designation. His commitment to professional development and excellence has been a hallmark of his career.

Recognition and Contributions to the Structured Product Industry

The structured product industry in the USA has been shaped by the contributions of many dedicated professionals. Recognizing these individuals’ achievements is essential to the growth and success of the field. The SPi USA Hall of Fame, established in 2021, honors those who have demonstrated professionalism, sustained commitment, and significant career achievements in the structured product industry.

Tom Layton’s induction into the Hall of Fame is a well-deserved recognition of his impact on the industry. His work has set a high standard for excellence and innovation, inspiring others in the field to strive for similar success.

Personal Life

Tom and his wife Lauren both grew up in Tampa, FL, where they currently reside with their two sons, Dominic (12) and Julian (11). The Layton family is deeply rooted in their community, and Tom’s professional achievements are complemented by a rich and fulfilling personal life.

Join Us in Celebrating Tom Layton

Please join us in congratulating Tom Layton on this remarkable achievement. His dedication, expertise, and leadership have made a lasting impact on Raymond James and the broader financial industry. We look forward to seeing his continued contributions and successes in the years to come.

Congratulations, Tom Layton, on being named the 2024 Hall of Fame winner!

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