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EET and ESG: Unlocking the Potential of Sustainable Investing event

The event featured presentations from various experts in the field, including Ghislain Perisse, who emphasized the benefits of using the European ESG template (EET) as a standardized reporting framework for ESG information.

The event provided valuable insights into the current state of ESG investment, particularly in the context of developing markets. The European Investment Bank presentation highlighted the challenges and potential opportunities in terms of ESG country risk, while the case study presented by SPi and Garantum gave a glimpse into the current state of ESG structured products and the increasing demand for them.

In addition to presentations, the event also included a panel discussion on Navigating the Evolving Landscape of ESG Data in Investment Decision-Making. The panel explored the different perspectives on ESG methodology and how it is being used by investment firms and asset managers to incorporate sustainability considerations into their decision-making.

The event concluded with closing remarks and next steps for integrating ESG into business strategy, followed by a WSD drinks reception.

Overall, the event was a success, with attendees providing positive feedback and valuable suggestions for future events. The presentations from the event are available for reference, and WSD encourages attendees to reach out if they have any questions or need further information.

In conclusion, the WSD EET and ESG event highlighted the importance of consistent methodologies and transparency in the industry, as well as the need for global standardization of EET data. The event provided valuable insights and opportunities for attendees to learn about the current state of ESG investment and its potential implications and opportunities for investors and the broader market.

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