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Key Learnings from SPi Canada 2022

SPi Canada, a platform for structured product professionals, held its first event to discuss the current state and future of the Canadian structured product market. The event featured several panels and discussions with industry experts, including leaders from major financial institutions.

The event began with a training session on structured products in a portfolio context, followed by a drinks reception the same day. The following day kicked off with registration and a continental breakfast, followed by the opening remarks and a Canadian structured products overview by Tiago Fernandes, Head of Data at WSD.

One of the most insightful discussions was the Canadian Leaders fire-side chat, which focused on the pathway for structured products in Canada. The panel was moderated by Tiago Fernandes, and the participants included Bill Bamber, Co-CEO of Global Asset Management at BMO Global Asset Management, Grant Borcharding, Director of Derivatives Sales at RBC Capital Markets, and Jerome Cloutier, Managing Director and Co-Head Global Distribution Cross Asset Solutions at BMO Global Markets.

The panel discussed the current state of the structured product market and the factors driving demand. With inflation reaching an all-time high of 7.6% for Canadian investors in July, investors are facing a difficult predicament. The Canadian equity market also declined 12% year-to-date, adding an extra burden on their savings. The panelists discussed how structured products, particularly principal protected notes and GICs, are attracting new money from investors, as they offer a way to beat inflation while protecting capital.

Another discussion that stood out was the economic forecast interview moderated by Laurence Black, Founder of The Index Standard. The panel included Randall Bartlett, Senior Director of Canadian Economics at Desjardins Group, Michael Gregory, Managing Director, Deputy Chief Economist & Head of U.S. Economics at BMO Capital Markets, and Kambiz Kazemi, Chief Investment Officer and Country Head for Canada at Validus Risk Management.

The panelists provided insights into their economic forecasts for 2023, and the potential implications for the structured product market. The panelists discussed the impact of global economic factors, such as inflation, interest rates, and geopolitical events, on the Canadian market and the potential risks and opportunities for structured products.

The panel on distribution channels, moderated by Joseph Burris, Head of Americas at WSD, focused on the value and future of structured products. The panel included Christopher Cafley, Senior Vice President of Investment Strategy, Products & Trading at Private Client Solutions, Raymond James, Ali Salahuddin, Managing Director and Head of Structured Products at Laurentian Bank Securities, and Aaron Unger, Principal at Bayline Capital Partners.

The panelists discussed their perspectives on the current and future distribution channels for structured products. They explored the challenges and opportunities in reaching new investors and expanding the market, as well as the role of technology and innovation in the future of the industry.

Overall, the SPi Canada event provided valuable insights into the Canadian structured product market, including the current state of the market, the factors driving demand, and the potential risks and opportunities for investors. The event also provided an opportunity for industry leaders to come together and share their perspectives on the future of the industry, including the role of technology and innovation in shaping the market.

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