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Save the date: Structured Products Conference set to return to Nashville

We’re thrilled to announce our return to Nashville for the upcoming US SPi event. This gathering promises to unite leaders from the structured products industry across the United States, offering a unique opportunity for connection and knowledge-sharing. Join us as we explore innovative alternative investments, leveraging new exposure and defined outcome solutions.

Last year’s event saw an impressive turnout of over 120 delegates, featuring renowned speakers such as Nouriel Roubini, CEO of Roubini Macro Associates, Yinglu Zhang, Managing Director and Co-Head of Americas at Citi Solutions for Financial Intermediaries, and Pratik Pareek, Head of Insurance Coverage & Sales at Goldman Sachs, among others.

2024’s attendees will gain valuable insights from industry trailblazers and have the chance to network with top advisors, leading brokers, and investment banks. Whether you’re already a seasoned practitioner of structured investments or looking to deepen your understanding, SPi USA offers practical tools and guidance to take your investments to the next level.

Find out more and book: www.usa.sp-intelligence.com.


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