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Upgraded Credit Linked Notes KIDs: Meeting the Demand

The global financial market has witnessed a significant increase in demand for Credit Linked Notes (CLNs) in 2022 due to the rise in interest rates and the below-par prices of bonds. As a result, financial institutions have had to upgrade their CLNs to meet the growing demand from investors. Taking that into account WSD is proud to announce that it has upgraded its Credit asset class. WSD clients can now access to analytics and templates-CLNs on tranches and hybrids with CLNs and equity overlay. With this upgrade, WSD clients can access a new asset class providing their clients with access to new exposure to credit opportunities.

In response to the growing demand for CLNs, WSD has worked hard to upgrade its Key Information Documents (KIDs) for CLNs. The new templates developed provide a great flexibility to support out of the box large number of permutations for both the capital and return mechanisms. That template structure is inspired from KIDs agreed-upon language from eight tier 1 banks, making it easier for investors to understand the terms and conditions of the products.

Additionally, WSD is now providing analytics on these different types of CLNs, allowing investors to make more informed decisions.

WSD’s upgraded CLNs KIDs will provide investors with greater transparency, making it easier for them to evaluate the risks and rewards associated with these products. If you’re interested in learning more about WSD’s upgraded CLNs, please feel free to reach out to info@wsd.com.

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