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Venari Security Helps WSD to Further Secure Key Link in 3rd Party Banking Supply Chain

WSD (Wall Street Docs) has today announced that it is working with Venari Security to maintain strong encryption standards across its entire network and identify malicious activity hidden within encrypted traffic. As a key 3rd party supplier to banking and financial services organisations, the relationship will be essential in further reducing WSD’s customers’ risk exposure and potential attack surface.

WSD is utilising ViliganceAI, to gain unparalleled insight and visibility into how encryption is actively used across the enterprise, including cloud, regulated and third-party environments. The platform enables WSD to maintain strong encryption standards while supporting data privacy in transit. By providing this validation and visibility into its entire encrypted estate, WSD can reduce its risk of regulatory non-compliance.

“WSD offers a wide range of Structured Product automation solutions to almost all the leading banks. We take all aspects of service and security exceptionally seriously. As a bank-grade, critical 3rd party supplier we are constantly minimising out cyber and compliance risks. With Venari Security, and their ViliganceAI platform, we are able to provide unrivalled assurance to our customers that encrypted communications between clients, staff, offices and our leading hybrid AWS cloud infrastructure – all meet the standards we all expect,” said Richard Gompels, CIO, WSD.

“In a world that’s encrypted, Venari Security provides visibility, control and assurance over critical business information and assets. We enable organisations to view their internal network with a different lens. Ultimately, helping them to make sense of whether they are meeting both internal and regulatory encryption standards – something they otherwise would not have been able to do,” said Tom Millar, CEO and Founder, Venari Security.

The ViliganceAI platform consists of two solutions, V-Comply and V-Detect. WSD will be integrating both solutions into its offering, enabling it to provide a thorough TLS attack surface review as part of the routine security hygiene service it offers its customers.

About Venari Security

Headquartered in London, Venari Security is the only company in the world focused on encrypted traffic analysis without decryption. Our VigilanceAI platform gives organisations visibility and insight into their encrypted attack surface and how encryption is actively used across their enterprise, ensuring data privacy in transit. Enabling organisations to define, measure, monitor and maintain strong encryption standards, highlighting and reporting on deviation, providing them actionable insights and intelligence about their encrypted traffic.


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