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Vo-Dignard Provost win the 2023 SPi Canada Hall of Fame Award

An-Lap Vo-Dignard and Ian Provost are the Founding Partners, Senior Vice President and Portfolio Managers of The Vo-Dignard Provost Group – National Bank Financial.

An-Lap has more than 20 years of experience in the wealth and portfolio management industry. He graduated from HEC Montreal (University of Montreal business school) in finance in 1996 and started his career at the Bank of Montreal. He then joined National Bank Financial in 1998 where he founded the VP Wealth Management Group, which now has in excess of $2 billion under management and is comprised of 15 finance professionals.

Ian started his career at National Bank in 1997 and joined National Bank Financial in 2001. His extensive expertise in portfolio management and risk management, combined with his knowledge of financial markets, permits him to excel at developing investment strategies tailored to the needs of a wide range of clients. In addition, he has an innate sense of determining the real risk tolerance of clients, which is an art. This allows him to determine an optimal tailor-made portfolio for his clients.

The VP Group won several awards over the years in the National Bank Financial recognition of excellence program, notably, the prestigious prize of Best team in Canada in 2012 and in 2020, and one that is especially dear to An-Lap and Ian, the Social Responsibility award. Incorporating ESG factors in their portfolio management is of utmost importance to the VP Group. All these efforts were recognized recently when the VP Group won the Wealth Professionals NEI Advisor of the Year Responsible Investments award in 2021.

The VP Group also likes to give back to the community by being actively involved with many charities in Montreal. Notably, there is the Montreal Heart Institute Foundation, Papillon Foundation, Bruny Surin Foundation, The Jasmin Roy Sophie Desmarais Foundation, HEC Foundation and The Orchestre Metropolitain in addition to contributing to several other charitable causes.

To find out more about our SPi Canada event please visit the website.

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