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WSD acquires 100% of WSD EDGAR, it’s JV partner for SEC EDGAR filings

WSD has acquired WSD EDGAR, a business it has previously operated as a joint venture with Edgar Filing Service

Over the past decade, many Tier 1 structured product issuers have relied on WSD EDGAR to automatically file pricing supplements and free writing prospectus with the Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis, and Retrieval (EDGAR) system of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). WSD EDGAR seamlessly integrates with WSD’s suite of document and workflow automation solutions and thus forms a critical element of WSD’s vision of enabling issuers to achieve straight-through processing for structured products in the important U.S. market.

As part of the acquisition, WSD will also gain access to Edgar Filing Service’s technology for making filings with the System for Electronic Document Analysis and Retrieval (SEDAR) system of the Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA), thereby extending its capabilities to the Canadian market.

Mathias Strasser, CEO of WSD, said: “We have enjoyed a long and successful partnership with Fuad and are excited to welcome him and his team to the expanding WSD family. The addition of WSD EDGAR’s technology to our platform will significantly enhance our automation capabilities, just as issuers seek to streamline their issuance processes and reduce per-trade notionals in the United States and Canada.”

Fuad Rahman, CEO of Edgar Filing Service’s, said: “We are thrilled to partner with WSD and expect not only to render more efficient services to our existing clients but also offer our proven technology and services to an even wider range of U.S. and Canadian issuers. By combining our strengths, we will enable more efficient, streamlined, and cost- effective workflows for issuers in the structured products market.”

For further information, please contact Renu Gogna at info@wsd.com or on +44 (20) 3865 2356.

WSD is a leading provider of SaaS-based technology solutions for manufacturers of structured products and OTC derivatives, covering all aspects of the process from pre-trade workflows to order management, document production, data dissemination to exchanges, data vendors and the buy-side, as well as lifecycle management. WSD also operates RegXchange, an industry utility connecting the sell-side and buy-side, and Transparitrade, a white-labeled client-facing multi-issuer platform.

Edgar Filing Service’s is a leading provider of software products and services for the structured products filing segment of the Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis, and Retrieval (EDGAR) system of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and System for Electronic Document Analysis and Retrieval (SEDAR) system of the Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA). It built the first fully automated EDGARization and filing solution that is integrated within an automated document creation workflow, offering extensive customization and integration with secure backend document servers of Tier 1 structured product issuers. As a joint venture with WSD, its flagship workflow server suite, branded in the market as WSD EDGAR, seamlessly integrates with WSD’s suite of document and workflow automation solutions.

For more information on WSD, please get in touch with info@wsd.com

About WSD

WSD is a leading provider of SaaS-based technology solutions for manufacturers of structured products and OTC derivatives, covering all aspects of the process from pre-trade workflows to order management, document production, data dissemination to exchanges, data vendors and the buy-side, as well as lifecycle management. WSD also operates RegXchange, an industry utility connecting the sell-side and buy-side, and Transparitrade, a white-labelled client-facing structured products platform featuring comprehensive education as well as trade execution and analytical tools. WSD serves its global Tier 1 clients with a staff of almost 100 and has offices in all major time zones.

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