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WSD EDGAR: The Ultimate Solution for Structured Products Filings

After careful consideration and excitement WSD EDGAR, a leading provider of SaaS-based technology solutions for manufacturers of structured products and OTC derivatives, has been fully integrated in WSD. WSD EDGAR offers an end-to-end filing solution for structured products, covering all aspects of the process from pre-trade workflows to order management, document production, regulatory filings such as EDGAR and SEDAR, data dissemination to exchanges, data vendors and the buy-side, as well as lifecycle management.

WSD EDGAR is a fully independent APIs set that supports JSON based communication protocol, allowing for ease of integration. It offers automated conversion from .docx format to EDGAR specific HTML, eliminating the need for manual processes for creating 424B2s and FWPs, and allowing issuers to realize savings of time and cost. The software also provides the ability to build specific templates for supporting multiple filing forms, view and edit proofs, and support email-based, API-based, or dashboard-based integration.

WSD EDGAR’s flagship workflow server suite seamlessly integrates with WSD’s suite of document and workflow automation solutions, providing extensive customization and integration with secure backend document servers of Tier 1 structured product issuers. It replaces the manual processes for creating structured product documents into EDGAR HTML format for filing with the SEC, and once approved, WSD EDGAR will file the material with the SEC EDGAR system.

WSD EDGAR offers flexibility and adaptability, with the software component available both on a hosted basis and on a deployed basis. For hosted scenarios, WSD EDGAR runs on the Amazon Elastic Cloud, providing the highest level of security and close to 100% uptime. In the case of the deployed option, WSD installs and maintains the software component within the safety of the issuer’s own IT infrastructure.

In addition to its automation capabilities, WSD EDGAR offers extensive live reporting tools about the status of filings, providing issuers with visibility into the progress of their filings and ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements.

WSD EDGAR is the ultimate solution for structured products filings, providing WSD platform clients to the next step on automation to increase efficiency, reduce errors and faster time to market.

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