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Unlocking Market Insights with Structured Products Intelligence (SPi)

In the complex world of structured products, obtaining reliable and comprehensive information can be challenging. Structured Products Intelligence (SPi) is designed to address this challenge, offering a global database and market intelligence tool specifically tailored for the structured products industry.

Comprehensive Data Access

SPi integrates information from various WSD platforms with direct feeds from manufacturers, creating a robust and comprehensive database of reference data and lifecycle information. This integration ensures that users have access to reliable and up-to-date information on the global structured products industry, which is notoriously difficult to source.

In-Depth Market Understanding

The platform delivers in-depth insights into the market, including volumes, trends, and league tables. SPi’s database is updated within 24 hours of submission from issuers, maintaining a standardized product representation across all regions. This rapid updating process ensures that users always have the latest data at their fingertips.

Market Intelligence Reports

SPi provides detailed reports that offer market intelligence on market size, opportunities, and trends for structured product manufacturers. These reports enable users to make informed decisions based on the most current and comprehensive data available.

User-Friendly Lifecycle Tools

One of SPi’s standout features is its easy-to-use lifecycle tool, which consolidates observations, coupons, early redemptions, and redemption events into a single interface. This tool simplifies the management of structured products, allowing users to track and analyze lifecycle events efficiently.

Automated Data Submission

SPi also streamlines the regulatory process by enabling users to submit reference data for structured products to regulators and exchanges automatically. This feature reduces the administrative burden on users and ensures compliance with regulatory requirements.

Trusted by Industry Leaders

SPi’s clients include prominent names in the industry such as Advisors Asset Management, Barclays, First Trust, CAIS, iCapital, RBC, Jane Street, ING, Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs, and Marex. These industry leaders rely on SPi for its comprehensive data and insightful analysis.

Monthly Market Insights

In addition to its robust database, SPi offers a monthly newsletter that provides an overview of recent issuance, market trends, and insights based on the latest research. This newsletter helps users stay informed about the latest developments in the structured products market.

For more information, visit sp-intelligence.com and contact us today to discover how SPi can transform your business. You can also find out more about the product via this video on our YouTube channel.

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