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WSD GPT: Integrating Machine Learning Into Your Existing Processes

At WSD, we are committed to staying ahead of the curve in terms of technology and innovation. With that in mind, we have recently made a substantial investment in cutting-edge AI infrastructure. At the heart of this investment lies a 32 petaflops supercomputer, capable of handling some of the largest and most complex language models available today.

We have decided to make this investment because it will allow us to not just use OpenAI’s public GPT APIs but instead to use this infrastructure to perform custom training and build domain-specific applications tailored to your specific needs. The potential applications of this technology are vast and include things like an auto-coder plugin for our document automation solutions, the creation of PRIIP Cloud and IBT XMLs for structured products based on natural language inputs, data extraction, enhanced service desk coverage, and more.

We are confident that this investment will drive growth and innovation for your business, and we look forward to showcasing its capabilities. Our team is eager to invite you for product demonstrations and workshops and solicit your feedback as we transition to a world in which machine learning will play an even greater role. Register for our upcoming webinar to find out more.

We would also like to take this opportunity to welcome any suggestions or ideas you may have regarding how we can better serve you with this new technology. Our goal is to leverage the power of AI to drive process optimizations, growth, and innovation for your business.

Set out below is a list of the specific projects we are currently working on:

Auto coder

Streamline your document automation process with our innovative Auto Coder plugin for WSD’s flagship document automation solution. Say goodbye to time-consuming manual templating and hello to fast, automated results.

Using Auto Coder, our templaters – or you, if you wish to maintain your templates inhouse – can simply upload a document to Doc Auto v2 and let WSD GPT do the actual templating work, transforming it into a web-based form that prompts end-users for the necessary data and merges the data with the business logic needed to create the document. And with the ability to modify the template for more complex logic, the process can be customized to meet the specific task at hand.

XML and term sheet generation

Empower your desk with the ability to create PRIIP Cloud XMLs, IBT files, and term sheets. No more manual labor required. Simply describe the product you want to create using natural language, and WSD GPT does the rest.

Even banks that have fully automated their structured products issuance process will sometimes need to manually generate machine readable product descriptions. WSD GPT eliminates this manual process, allowing a structurer or salesperson to type in the product description and receive the requested document directly or through follow-up questions for an even more accurate result.

Machine translations

Say goodbye to manual translation with WSD GPT. Draft prospectus summaries, KIDs, and other important documents in any language with ease. Trained on WSD’s extensive library of multi-language KID templates, WSD GPT’s translation model supports all major languages, allowing you to describe products in the manner local markets expect.

Document automation projects typically focus on one or two languages at most, such as English and one other major language. In practice, this means that when a document is required in another language, it must be manually translated. With WSD GPT, these translations can now be automated, both from within the chat interface and as a backend service accessible via API.

Data extraction and reconciliation

Simply your structured products data management with WSD GPT. Extract data from multiple sources in any format, effortlessly compare it against term sheets and paying agent emails, and avoid costly remediations.

Structured products information, including reference data and lifecycle data, is often fragmented across different silos and can lead to discrepancies that may cause significant losses. Manual intervention to spot these errors can be unfeasible, but WSD GPT changes that by allowing banks to implement enhanced controls and identify potential discrepancies before they become a problem.

Enhanced service desk coverage

Experience seamless, real-time support with our WSD GPT chatbot. Designed to handle routine tasks such as system monitoring, while seamlessly escalating more complex issues to a human operator, our chatbot will allow you to enjoy the benefits of our service desk without sacrificing quality.

At the heart of WSD GPT is GPT-based language models, known for their ability to engage in meaningful conversations. Building upon our recent service desk enhancements, including streamlined processes, unified support and 24/7 coverage, the roll-out of WSD GPT represents our commitment to delivering the best possible customer experience.

Engaging humans in meaningful conversations is one of the core strengths of GPT-based language models. We plan to roll out WSD GPT as an enhancement of our service desk offering, which we have already strengthened recently by the roll-out of streamlined processes, unified support emails and phone numbers, and 24/7 coverage for those clients who need it.

Want to find out more? Register here for our upcoming webinar.

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